Do It Together With The Youth is an empowerment project to educate underprivileged youth on basic skills like Fashion designing, Makeup & Hairstyling, Bead Making, Soap Making, Pastries Making, Marketing, etc.

Do It Together With The Youth trained these youths for two days, the 27th and 28th of August, and ended the occasion with a ceremony on the 29th of August, 2021. The NGO this year trained 100 underprivileged youths, each participant was given a certificate for participating during the ceremony, and this included the best participant in every category.

According to the CEO of DITTY , Prisca Abah, is geared towards creating a world in which all youths have pathways to sustainable and permanent job opportunities of the global workforce. She also said, the best participant in fashion will be trained in Azelle Vogue Fashion Training Center for 2 years and the best participant in Vendaljule Slay World for one month.

This initiative aims to ; 

Reduce the level of streetism in the country.

Avoid teenage pregnancy, prostitution, and drug abuse.

Create jobs for the youth.

Educate the youth on marketing and entrepreneurship.

Reduce the level of streetism in the country.

See photos from the event below….